discover the focus of our fellowships

For the first fellowships, we have chosen to focus on these two topics: tackling the tobacco industry and accelerating the protein transition. These choices are based on the work of our full-time researchers, in collaboration with research from external parties.

We trust in the ability of small, passionate teams to drive substantial global change. In our programs, we bring together such groups of talented individuals to tackle the most urgent problems of our time.

moral ambition fellowships

Our international fellowships offer a transformative journey, demanding full commitment as you pivot your career alongside a group of ambitious peers. With guidance from top-tier guest speakers, we focus on what truly matters ā€” equipping you to address the most critical, overlooked challenges ahead.

Fellows are matched with pre-selected projects and host organizations based on their preferences. Final pairings are decided by us to ensure you make an immediate impact.

Applications for the Moral Ambition Fellowships have now ended. Thank you to everyone who applied! Stay tuned for updates and future opportunities.
"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has."
Margaret Mead,
Cultural anthropologist

in media around europe

Frequently asked questions